Yachty By Nature – The Smoothest Yacht Rock
July 27 at 8:15 p.m.
Tickets include FREE same-day OC Fair admission
Since 2016, Yachty by Nature has brought you the very best in LIVE Yacht Rock, originating in Southern California but playing from sea to shining sea! This hot six-piece band plays the finest groovy soft yacht rock tunes from the late ’70s and early ’80s. We are a yachtical tribute to your favorite artists like Michael McDonald, Hall and Oates, Boz Scaggs, Steely Dan, Toto, Christopher Cross and so much more. Expert musicality, groove and improvisational flavor ignite these classic vinyl cuts. All LIVE, ALL the time. Courtney Cruise and Scotty McYachty on the big vocals, Captain Carl, Ben Shreddin’ and Big Wave Dave locking the rhythm section down, Pacific Rim on sax and jazz flute for nonstop fun. We are the Yacht Rock Tribute you’ve been looking for and we’re bringing the Yacht Party to YOU! Put on your captain’s hat and Ride Like the Wind to get Yachty with us.