Monday, October 15, 2018 (5:26 pm)
Board of Directors Meeting – October 25, 2018
Board of Directors Meeting
9:00 AM
Administration Building
View Agenda
View CEO’s Operational Announcements and Updates (Financial Packet Ending September 2018)
View Standard Agreements
View Rental Agreements
View Active Joint Powers Authority Agreements
View Approved Minutes
View Staff Reports
View Correspondence (supplemented 10/23/18)
View PowerPoint Presentation
View PowerPoint Presentation (2018 OC Fair Wrap-up)
View Transcript
The mission of OCFEC is…
Celebration of Orange County’s
Communities, Interests, Agriculture and Heritage
(with results justifying resources expended)
32ND District Agricultural Association
OCFEC Board of Directors
Thursday, October 25, 2018
9:00 a.m.
Administration Building
OC Fair & Event Center
88 Fair Drive
Costa Mesa, California
Board of Directors
Barbara Bagneris, Board Chair
Robert Ruiz, Vice Chair
Gerardo Mouet, Member
Ashleigh Aitken, Member
Douglas La Belle, Member
Sandra Cervantes, Member
Newton Pham, Member
Kathy Kramer, CFE, CFEE, CMP
Chief Executive Officer, OCFEC
32nd DAA Counsel
Josh Caplan
Office of the California Attorney General
Those persons wishing to attend the meeting and who may require special accommodations pursuant to the provisions of the Americans with Disabilities Act are requested to contact the office of the 32nd District Agricultural Association (714) 708-1500, at least five working days prior to the meeting to insure the proper arrangements can be made.
At the discretion of the Board of Directors, all items appearing on this Agenda, whether or not expressly listed for action, may be deliberated and may be subject to action by the Board of Directors. The Board may convene to closed session pursuant to Government Code section 11126, subdivisions (a) and (e) to consider personnel evaluation and/or possible litigation. Items may not necessarily be taken up in the order shown on this Agenda. This agenda, and all notices required by the Bagley-Keene Open Meeting Act are available on the Internet at:
All matters noticed on this agenda, in any category, may be considered
for action as listed. Any item not so noticed may not be considered. Items
listed on this Agenda may be considered in any order, at the discretion of
the chairperson.
Celebration of Orange County’s Communities, Interests, Agriculture and
Heritage (with results justifying resources expended).
4. ROLL CALL (Policy 4.5.2.B)
6. 2018 OC Fair Wrap-Up Presentation
Information Item
Public comment is allowed on issues NOT on the current Agenda.
However, no debate by the Board shall be permitted on such public
comments, and no action will be taken on such public comment items at
this time, as law requires formal public notice prior to any action on a
docket item. Speakers are requested to sign in prior to the start of the
meeting and are limited to three minutes.
Comments will be accepted on Agenda items during the meeting.
Speakers wishing to address the Board on items on the agenda are
requested to sign in prior to the start of the meeting and identify the
agenda item(s) on which you desire to address the Board. Speakers are
limited to three minutes.
A. Board Meeting held September 27, 2018
Action Item
9. CONSENT CALENDAR: (Policy 4.3.4)
All matters listed under Consent Calendar are operational matters about
which the Board has governing policies, implementation of which is
delegated to the CEO. They will be enacted in one motion. There will be no
discussion of these items prior to the time the Board of Directors votes on
the motion, unless members of the board, staff or public request specific
items to be discussed separately and/or removed from this section. Any
member of the public who wishes to discuss Consent Calendar items
should notify the Chair of the Board, at the time requested and be
recognized by invitation of the Chair to address the Board.
A. Standard Agreements: SA-027-18CF; SA-117-18FT; SA-147-18SP; SA-
148-18SP; SA-150-18SP; SA-162-18YR; SA-212-18SP; SA-281-18YR
B. Amendments: SA-56-14RD A#3; SA-005-15ET (Amend. #4); SA-263-
15SM (Amend. #2); SA-087-16FT (Amend. #3); SA-091-16FT (Amend.
#1); SA-193-16FT (Amend. #2); SA-059-17FT (Amend. #3); SA-065-
17FT (Amend. #2); SA-075-17FT (Amend. #2); SA-076-17FT (Amend.
#2); SA-077-17FT (Amend. #1); SA-078-17FT (Amend. #1); SA-079-
17FT (Amend. #1); SA-080-17FT (Amend. #1); SA-081-17FT (Amend.
#1); SA-082-17FT (Amend. #2); SA-083-17FT (Amend. #2); SA-084-
17FT (Amend. #1)
C. Rental Agreements: R-032-18; R-095-18; R-155-18; R-156-18; R-157-
18; R-160-18; R-161-18; R-164-18; R-167-18; R-168-18; R-170-18; R-
171-18; R-009-19; R-037-19; R-038-19; R-039-19; R-042-19; R-044-
19; R-010-19; R-011-19; R-012-19; R-013-19; R-014-19; R-015-19
D. Active Joint Powers Authority Agreements: 03218033
E. Correspondence:
Communications to the Board from the public in response to Board
discussion or to comments made before the Board are to be listed on the
meeting agenda and included in the Board materials as an item of public
i. Correspondence related to livestock exhibitors
F. CDFA Correspondence:
Communications from the California Department of Food & Agriculture
Division of Fairs & Expositions regarding relevant topics at Fairs and
i. Quality Assurance & Ethics Training Requirements for all California
-End of Consent Calendar-
A. Committee / Ad Hoc Committee / Liaison Reports
Information Item
To assure compliance with the Bagley-Keene Act, Committee reports are
only for the purpose of the Committee chair, Ad Hoc Committee
members or Liaison to provide a verbal update. Should the Board want to
discuss any Committee work item not already on the agenda; those
would need to be agendized for a future Board meeting.
i. Heroes Hall Veterans Foundation Board (Director La Belle, Chair;
Director Cervantes)
ii. Financial Monitoring Committee (Director Pham, Committee Chair;
Director Mouet)
iii. Legislative Monitoring Committee (Director Aitken; Committee Chair;
Director Ruiz)
iv. Tenant Liaison Committee (Director Pham, Committee Chair; Director
v. Board of Directors Governing Policy Manual Review Ad Hoc Committee
(Chair Bagneris, Committee Chair; Vice Chair Ruiz)
vi. Safety & Security Committee (Board Chair, Committee Chair; Vice Chair,
B. Approve Rescheduling the January 2019 Board of Directors Meeting to
January 17, 2019 to Allow Staff to Participate in the Annual Western
Fairs Association Convention in Reno, Nevada on January 20 – 23, 2019
Action Item
C. 2018 OC Fair P&L
Information Item
D. Discussion on Storage Solutions for OCFEC Equipment, Supplies and
Action Item
E. Investigate Opportunity of Relocating the A4 Skyhawk Aircraft from
County Facility in Santa Ana to OC Fair & Event Center and authorize
Staff to Enter into Discussions Related to the Preparation of a
Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with the County of Orange
Action Item
F. Review and Approve the Appointment of the Board Chair to serve on
behalf of the 32nd District Agricultural Association as an Elector for the
California Fair Services Authority (CFSA) Board of Directors Elections
Action Item
G. The 32nd District Agricultural Association Board of Directors delegates
authority to execute all forms of agreements, contracts, and purchase
orders without further authorization from the Board of Directors
(Policy 2.3.5). All such agreements, contracts and purchase orders are to
be submitted to the Board of Directors for review at subsequent
meetings. This delegation is subject to board review at each annual
Action Item
H. Response from California Department of Food and Agriculture (CDFA)
Regarding Request for an Independent Performance Audit
Information Item
I. Board of Directors Nominating Task Force Recommendation and
Election of Board Officers
Action Item
11. CLOSED SESSION (Closed to the Public)
Pending Litigation – The Board will meet in closed session to consult
with legal counsel regarding the following pending litigation. [Gov.
Code section 11126(e).]
A. Pending Litigation – The Board will meet in closed session to consult with legal counsel regarding the following pending
litigation. [Gov. Code section 11126(e).]
i. To confer with and receive advice from legal counsel regarding
potential litigation involving the 32nd District Agricultural
Association. Based on existing facts and circumstances, the Board of
Directors will decide whether to initiate litigation. (Govt. Code, §
11126, subd. (e).)
ii. To confer with and receive advice from legal counsel regarding
potential litigation involving the 32nd District Agricultural
Association. Based on existing facts and circumstances, there is
significant exposure to litigation against the 32nd District
Agricultural Association. (Govt. Code, § 11126, subd. (e).)
iii. To confer with counsel, discuss, and consider the following pending
litigation to which the 32nd DAA is a party. Ken Shank v 32nd DAA, et
al., Orange County Superior Court (Small Claims Division), Case No.
iv. To confer with counsel, discuss, and consider the following pending
litigation to which the 32nd DAA is a party. Ysali Pockman v 32nd DAA,
et al., Orange County Superior Court (Small Claims Division), Case No.
B. Personnel: The Board will meet in closed session to consider the
evaluation of performance of the General Manager / CEO. [Gov. Code, §
11126, subd. (a).]
12. Board of Directors Matters of Information
13. Next Board Meeting: November 15, 2018
14. Adjournment
Respectfully submitted,
Kathy Kramer CVE, CFEE, CMP
Chief Executive Officer, OCFEC Date of notice: 5:00 p.m. October 15, 2018