RFP #: SS-11-23, Sales Services, RFI #1

88 Fair Drive, Costa Mesa, CA 92626 (714) 708-1719 •
July 31, 2023
To: All Potential Bidders
From: Kelly Vu, Business Services Supervisor
Re: RFI #1, Q & A, RFP # SS-11-23, Sales Services
This RFI (Request for Information) aims to transmit “Questions and Answers” regarding the technical components of the RFP Sales Services. All terms and conditions of the original RFP remain unchanged.
Questions and Answers
1. Are you open to reviewing a submission specific to the need for sponsorship sales?
Answer: The District only accept bids for the entire scope of services. Partial bid will be disqualified.
2. Can you clarify if the walk-through is mandatory or optional? In the RFP, it states that it is both optional and mandatory in different instances.
Answer: The Property walk-through is optional, not mandatory. See Addendum #1.
3. Is this for a company or you are looking for marketers?
Answer: The RFP is in search of sales representatives/company who will prospect and sell (sponsorship, event space, etc.) for the property. This is not an opportunity for marketers.
4. We noticed the sections are labeled 3a-3i on page 19; however, the sections are labeled 3e-3m on pages 21-22. In submitting our response, shall we title our sections 3a-i or 3e-m? 3a – 3i. We would like to be consistent with your expectations and preferences. Answer: Please reference 3a-3i.
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88 Fair Drive, Costa Mesa, CA 92626 (714) 708-1719 •
5. Section 2b requests five (5) years of sponsorship experience; however, section 2d does not specify a date range. Would you also like five (5) years of event sales experience included in 2d? Answer: Any past experience is acceptable. 6 Regarding the past five (5) years, we would like, with your permission, to use the calendar years 2018-2023 (2023 projected) and omit calendar year 2020 due to COVID-19. Would you kindly advise if this is acceptable and preferred? Answer: The requirement is five (5) years. It does not need to be consecutive years 7. On Page 4, Section C (Delivery of Proposals), there is an asterisk following the word “email;” however, there is no footnote on Page 4 in relation to this asterisk. Would you kindly advise if there are additional guidelines or information we should reference in regard to this asterisk and the proposal submission? Answer: There’s no additional guidelines or information other than the instruction in Section C. Delivery of Proposal. All bidders to follow submission guidelines indicated. Proposals must be electronically submitted prior to the closing time and by email to via
Please email to acknowledge receiving RFI #1 if you intend to bid on this project.
-End RFI #1-