Tuesday, April 5, 2022 (10:57 am)

OC Fair Board updates mission, vision statements

As part of the Strategic Plan work the OC Fair Board of Directors voted to update OCFEC’s mission, vision, value and purpose statements:

Mission: Creating equitable community access to agriculture, entertainment, cultural and educational experiences

Vision: Orange County’s town square – the safe place where the community gathers and finds value

Values: Safety, People, Integrity, Stewardship, Compliance, Diversity & Inclusion, Excellence, Community & Neighborliness

Purpose: The OC Fair & Event Center is the 32nd District Agricultural Association (32nd DAA), a California state institution that is organized in accordance with the California Food and Agricultural Code. The 32nd DAA’s purposes under the Code are: 1) to hold fairs, expositions and exhibitions in Orange County to exhibit the industries and industrial enterprises, resources and products of every kind or nature of the state, with a view toward improving, exploiting, encouraging and stimulating them; and 2) to construct, maintain and operate recreational and cultural facilities of general public interest in Orange County.

Read more: https://s3.us-west-1.amazonaws.com/ocfair.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/03/18142624/22_03_Item8A_Strategic_Plan_Document.pdf