Monday, June 3, 2019 (5:26 pm)
Apollo 11 – The Immersive Live Show tickets go on sale June 23
APOLLO 11 – The Immersive Live Show touches down in Costa Mesa for a limited engagement at OC Fair & Event Center on Thursday, October 10, with tickets on sale Sunday, June 23. Groups of 10 or more can purchase their tickets now by emailing groupsales@apollo11show.com or calling 1‐833-9MOON11. Costa Mesa is the second stop of this exciting new production’s 18‐city tour over the next three years.
As we approach the 50th anniversary of man’s first steps on the Moon, the time has come to tell one of the greatest stories in human history. Staged in the groundbreaking, purpose‐built lunar dome, Apollo 11 is a truly immersive live show performed by a full cast under 40,000 square feet of stunning 360° video projection and brought to life by world‐class theater design, a full orchestral score and life‐size rockets.
The show invites audiences to go on an epic journey to the Moon and back. The story of the 400,000 individuals it took to accomplish this mission told through the eyes of Ben, a retired NASA aerospace engineer, as he recounts those heady days to his granddaughter, Sydney. She then finds herself turning her eyes away from her smartphone and up to the sky as she dreams about the endless possibilities of space.
This celebration of one of man’s greatest achievements takes audiences of all ages on the ride of a lifetime and inspires future generations to imagine what comes next.
Shows at OC Fair & Event Center begin Oct. 10. The length of the show’s Costa Mesa run has not yet been released. For more information, visit https://apollo11show.com/.
(11:54 am)
OC Fair helps Anaheim Packing House celebrate 100 years
From The Anaheim Blog
The iconic Anaheim Packing House in downtown’s Center City is celebrating its 100th anniversary this year with a jam-packed citrus themed event on Saturday, June 1.
You’ll find live entertainment, tours and giveaways, as well as citrus-themed food and drinks, pop-ups, vendors and more.
The fun kicks off at 11 a.m. with a citrus and avocado gardening class. Live entertainment follows and includes a variety of bands from rockabilly to swing throughout the afternoon and evening.
Citrus-themed vendors and pop-ups by Sunkist and OC Fair will be on hand at the adjacent Farmers Park along Anaheim Boulevard. That’s where you’ll find a community art project, citrus cocktail garden and a nighttime showing of a Packing House documentary.
Throughout the day, restaurants in the Packing House will be offering citrus-themed menu items.
The fun wraps up at 10 p.m. with additional events throughout the year for the centennial celebration.
Later this year, the Packing House and Farmers Park will host the World Taste event on Sept. 25 and the Anaheim Night Market on Dec. 14. Stay tuned for details.
For more, visit Anaheimpackingdistrict.com/100year.
Thursday, May 2, 2019 (5:50 pm)
OC Fair’s Olive Oil Competition winners have been announced!
The OC Fair is pleased to announce the 2019 Olive Oil Competition Award Winners and share the results at ocfair.com/results.
Tres Osos was named Best of Show in the Extra Virgin Olive Oil division, and Molefina was named Best of show in the Flavored Olive Oil division.
There were 18 gold medalists and 14 silver medalists. A complete list of winners is available (pdf).
Winners will be featured in the Culinary Arts OC Promenade building during the 2019 OC Fair. Keep an eye out for the tasting bar!
COMING UP: May 24 is a big deadline for several competitions, including Photography, Fine Arts, Woodworking and more. For information on OC Fair’s competitions, visit ocfair.com/competitions.
Wednesday, May 1, 2019 (11:55 am)
OC Fair brings the fun to Costa Mesa utility boxes
Thanks to the graphics team at OC Fair & Event Center, the utility boxes at the corners of Harbor Boulevard and Wilson Street as well as at Fair Drive and Civic Center now have a new look!
The staff received kudos from the Costa Mesa Cultural Arts Committee for your sponsoring the city’s Utility Box Art Program! #CityoftheArts
Monday, April 22, 2019 (9:00 am)
Happy Earth Day!
Today we celebrate Earth Day
Here are just a few simple things you can do to help protect our Earth:
Cut your shower time by 2-5 minutes
Use LED lighting
Turn off the lights when you leave a room
Put electronics in sleep mode when not in use
Recycle your plastic bottles and aluminium cans
Purchase reusable items and items made from recycled products
Plant a vegetable garden
Carpool, use public transportation, or walk/bike whenever possible
Big news! During with the 2019 OC Fair, we will be free of plastic straws (with the exception of reusable souvenir cups and smoothies/shakes/boba straws). Our concessionaires will offer paper straws.
What are you doing to conserve?